Thursday, November 10, 2011

Final Lesson

The last lesson of TWC and the module has come to an end!!!

We carried off from where the groups left off with presentations by the last 4 groups in class. As expected, the presentation topics were all intriguing and interesting. I particularly am interested in 2 of the presentations, the one regarding cosmetics and the one regarding technology and terrorism.

The points suggested by the team leading the discussion on technologies in cosmetics were interesting. The most interesting, I feel, would be the pills that can leave a scent of perfume in your body after consuming it. This is a pretty interesting invention that may eventually replace the spray perfumes that we use today.

The other presentation that caught my eye was the one about technology and terrorism. This topic struck a chord with me because it is a topic that is of not only relevance, but importance as well, in this age where terrorism is such a widespread tool for destruction. The group highlighted the many technologies that terrorists use to plan attacks, and of course show how these technology is used to apprehend them as well.

Of course, we cannot discount the other 2 groups that gave their presentations as well. I felt that this week's groups were really interesting in that they perform skits that gave us a sense of what their topic is about, and was also entertaining at the same time. The website's were also well done by the groups.

After the presentations concluded, it marked the end of our TWC module. Kind of a bittersweet ending. Most of us came into the class with little or no knowledge of what this module is about, but by this lesson we all have a clear understanding and perception on how technology has influenced every aspect of our lives. Although certain topics were harder to understand and the workload can become punishing at times, the journey through this module is a journey worth making. Not only did I grasp concepts relevant to the topic of technology and world change, I've also managed to pick up skills that can be relevant to the rest of my time in SMU.

For the final lesson, I would rate it a 10/10. A fine conclusion to a truly interesting and perspective-changing module.

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